Kāpiti Business membership committee appointed

The recently appointed membership committee of the Kāpiti Coast Business Network met Wednesday over coffee at 180 degrees Caf to explore ways to add value to our network.
Whilst the committee have some great ideas which they intend implementing it was agreed that they should canvas the wider membership for additional feedback.

For your information these are the Committee members so please make yourself known to them and let us know of any improvements you would like to see going forward.

Des Morgan (Chair) The Portfolio Company Ltd Phone: 04-2973234 Mobile: 021 303723

Heather Hutchings (Deputy Chair) Profitable Teams.com Phone: 04 8311300 Mobile: 021 0696143

Rob Burrows EC Credit Control (NZ) Ltd Phone: 04-4729990 Mobile: 027 5043210

Stu Dunn SDL Phone: 04-9024609 Mobile: 021 411117

Amy Willoughby BNZ Phone: 04-2980031 Email: Amy_Willoughby@bnz.co.nz