To wrap up what has been a very busy year, we have invited a couple of the key players in the Kāpiti Coast business world to give us their thoughts about 2014 and into 2015 at the final Electra Business Breakfast for the year.
To kick things off, Kāpiti Coast District Councillor Gavin Welsh will give us an introduction to the new economic development strategy for the district. Following on from Councillor Welsh, Kāpiti Coast Chamber of Commerce Chair Liz Koh, Kāpiti Coast District Mayor Ross Church and Electra CEO Neil Simmonds will look back on the highlights of 2014, the low-lights of 2014, and what they think 2015 has in store for us.
We hope you can join us for the last Electra Business Breakfast for 2014 as we dust off the jandals, pop down to Mitre 10 for a new sun umbrella and prepare for the rellies!
Every year since 2005 the Coast Community Church has hosted a Christmas Lunch for the Kāpiti Community. This lunch is open to anyone who either has a financial need or a need for company, this means there are elderly, young, solo parent families, those with restricted finances and the disadvantaged in our community.
To help support the Community Church we are asking attendees to bring in a small box of Cadbury Favourites Maybe Whittakers would be better or $5 with them to the breakfast. (Donations can also be dropped off at the Paraparaumu i-SITE)
If you have not already replied and would like to attend this breakfast please book your place now to ensure you don’t miss out (bookings are essential).
Date: WEDNESDAY 3 December 2014
Venue: Paraparaumu Beach Golf Club, 376 Kāpiti Road, Paraparaumu Beach
Time: 7.15 am
Cost: $20
RSVP: to by 2pm, Friday 28 November 2014. Payment in advance is expected unless you have a prior arrangement.
The Kāpiti Company account 01-0731-0223849-00.
Seats will be limited and your acceptance/reply is a firm booking; if you do not attend you will be invoiced. Receipts will only be issued to payments made online, if you require a receipt please let me know at time of booking.