Kāpiti Chamber Board Appointments

The Kāpiti Chamber of Commerce has announced its new Board.
“We are confident that this Board will be able to build on the excellent work of the previous Management Committees’ to continue to take the Chamber forward in its mission to encourage and support integrated business growth that creates wealth and employment in the Kāpiti Region,” says Chamber president Mark Ternent.

After the Special General Meeting in February, the elected officers formed a ‘Board Appointments Panel’. Board selections were made to ensure industry coverage and availability of expertise across the Kāpiti Region, together with representation from Chamber stakeholders and partners. The selections were also influenced by other factors including a desire to appoint people willing to provide ‘business leadership’. All Board Members will have responsibility for a specific portfolio. Pending final agreements being made (and there will likely be some minor changes), the new Chamber Board has the following Members:

The Officers comprise:

  • Chair Mark Ternent responsible to convene the advocacy sub-Committee and public affairs
  • Deputy Chair Jane Stevenson responsible for the business services portfolio
  • Secretary Sheryl Earnshaw
  • Treasurer Ian Fenwick responsible for finance and membership services portfolio
    The appointed Board Members which to date comprise:
    1.Wendy Huston responsible for the retirement industry portfolio
    2.Mark Brosnahan responsible for the trades and construction portfolio
    3.Vince Indo responsible for the retail portfolio
    4.Iride McCloy responsible for the tourism portfolio
    5.Brendon King responsible for the creative Kāpiti portfolio
    6.Simon Arnold responsible for the entrepreneurship portfolio and clean technology
    The co-opted Board Members which to date comprise:
    1.John Yeoman co-opted to represent large sized business
    2.Laurie Smaling co-opted to convene Kāpiti Chamber events
    3.Cr Tony Lester co-opted as Kāpiti Coast District Council liaison
    4.Sir Noel Robinson co-opted to represent Kāpiti Coast Airport interests
    5.Richard Mansell co-opted to represent Coastlands as a large sized retailer
    A strategic planning session will be held in mid-May. Member input is always welcome please email info@kapitichamber.org.nz